About Me
I commenced learning Kinesiology in 2003 and formalised my qualification in 2014 gaining my Advanced Diploma in Kinesiology.
The Kinesiology I have been taught is referred to as Energetic Kinesiology. This therapy enables me to focus on wherever you are feeling or experiencing stress in your life. The stress can be physical (eg. pain or lack of strength), mental (eg. anxiety or work/study stress), or emotional (eg. experiencing a significant loss).
In addition to my Kinesiology qualifications I also have Post Graduate Certificate in Preventive Medicine as an extension to my Bachelor of Applied Science – Nursing qualification.
My passion remains in preventative health measures.
I have also been lucky enough to raise three children to adulthood. One of my sons was diagnosed at 6 yr with profound dyslexia, verbal dyspraxia, and autistic tendencies. Because the word “tendencies” was used, we were not entitled to any assistance with managing his schooling through “the system” and to add to that we were living in remote West Australia where the services were effectively non-existent.
This son was able to read individual letters and numbers as a 2-year-old. At the end of Year 1 as a 6-year-old, he only had 1/3 of the expected 100 sight words by the end of Year 1. He could not comprehend phonics and blends to read the written word yet in one assessment achieved a score that put him on the 99.8 percentile for problem solving skills (Mensa test). In other words, only 0.2 of the world did better than him in problem solving.
We were fortunate to purchase an in-home 12-month program from the US that included minor dietary changes, a few supplements and kinesiology. We commenced the program in the break between him finishing Year 1 and starting Year 2. Within several weeks, he was no longer dyslexic, his verbal dyspraxia was only evident to me when he was tired and his autistic behaviour was more manageable and most people now, know he’s quirky but don’t consider him autistic. This taught me to never limit the potential for things to improve! He now has a tertiary English qualification as a Professional Screen Writer and has lived independently since he was 18.
My nursing experience has been in the hospital and community environment for over 30 years. This work history has given me a clear understanding of the lifestyle diseases that dominate the health system and how Kinesiology can assist motivated individuals in taking control of their health in conjunction with mainstream and other complementary health providers. Kinesiology will support the end goal that you, your Therapist, GP, and/or Specialist are working towards.
For the record, I stopped working as a Registered Nurse in June of 2020 and following considerable contemplation, chose not to renew my registration in 2022. The doctors’ charter is to “do no harm”, and the nurses’ charter is to “be the patient’s advocate”. I took this charter very seriously and could no longer work where I was not allowed to be the patient’s advocate without risk to my registration.